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We are a business intelligence consultancy firm focused on delivering solutions for companies inserted in the supply chain.


Our solutions are oriented to process management, traceability, freight and public transport and logistics management. Our goal is to deliver world-class solutions to achieve efficiencies and excellence.

Our Services

Our Servuces
Freight Management

World class solutions for shippers, logistics operators, forwarders and transport companies.

Distribution Logistics

Solutions based on industry best practices to optimize, systematize processes and implement Transport 

Management Systems (TMS).

Public Transport Management

Analysis, design and implementation of solutions for Public Transport.

Supply Chain Process Management

Optimization of production activities, storage and stock management, among other areas of the physical flow management in the company.

Studies, Investigations, Regulations

Research and studies for mandatory requirements in national regulations, standards, implementation guidlines, diagnostic guides and evaluations.

Traceability and Visibility Systems

Solutions that consider the construction of a global vision of the company processes with a focus on traceability and information management.


"At Viña Santa Rita we produce and distribute all types of wines throughout Chile. We have more than 20,000 customers to whom we have to deliver in 24 hours. To satisfy our most demanding needs, we look for a complete solution that not only allows us to plan, dispatch and track more than 1,200 orders/day, but also integrates seamlessly with SAP. ITrace implemented the TMS Carlo, the only solution that could do it and is demonstrating day by day that we make the best decision "


—  Marcos Salgado,

     Logistics Manager

     Viña Santa Rita

Ready to know us?

Schedule a visit from our specialists so that we can present our consulting solutions and IT solutions. We are sure that after knowing each other we will work together.


Contact us

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San Pio X 2460, of. 1802, Providencia, Santiago, Chile

Tel. +562 2421 0996

© 2018 ITrace Partners Ltda.

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