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Traceability Pilots and Implementation Guidelines for Caricom Countries

Consultancy conducted under FAO ( to establish a set of criteria and traceability requirements to guide stakeholders in the food industry, including regulatory authorities, to develop and implement a traceability system in selected food sectors that allow them to quickly respond to food safety events.


The consultancy was developed under the FAO project: TCP / SLC / 3403 - "Strengthening capacity for rapid response to food safety events through improved food traceability and legislation and recovery systems in the subregion of the Caribbean" and validated on the basis of several pilots conducted within a second project financed by the EU and implemented by IICA "SPS Project: Support to the Forum of Caribbean States in the implementation of the commitments assumed under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA): Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)".


The result was a FAO publication of a Traceability Guide that establishes the minimum requirements and best practices for sharing information throughout the supply chain. It includes:


  • Traceability best practices from the supplier's processing facilities down to the consumer point of sale;

  • All food products for human consumption;

  • All levels of the product hierarchy, including pallets, cases and consumer items; and

  • All supply chain segments, including suppliers, wholesalers, distributors and


See more information here

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